How to Break in Your Mattress
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If you purchased a mattress recently, you owe yourself a pat on the back. You made your way through the labyrinth of mattresses available on today’s market and came back out with a bed that’s, hopefully, perfect for you. Selecting a mattress from the sea of white options can be exhausting, and those burnt out from the journey may want nothing more than to break in their new purchase with a nice nap. Naturally and practically, that isn’t such a bad idea.
Breaking in a mattress is crucial to maximizing the benefits for which you purchased it. It’s a simple process and, like breaking in a new pair of shoes, occurs naturally with time. However, there are secrets you should know that will spur the process along, allowing you to reach that uber-comfortable stage more quickly. Especially, if it came to you in a box.

Air it Out
When you receive your mattress, unbox it as quickly as possible and allow it to air out. This is especially important if your mattress arrived rolled. Giving the product breathing room will encourage oxygen flow throughout its materials, similar to how a sponge experiences a reinflating effect as it’s drying out. This process allows the mattress to soften before it’s covered with linens and placed on a frame.
Get Rolling or Walking
While we don’t recommend jumping on the bed, rolling around on the bed like a rolling pin or gently walking on it for a few minutes each day is helpful. This encourages the flexibility of the bed’s materials to occur more quickly. You can also place heavy boxes or books in various spots, or use your hands to put pressure on it.
Consider the Frame
Both the frame the mattress rests on and the bedding covering it will impact how quickly it adjusts. You’ll want to make sure the foundation you plan to rest the mattress on isn’t sagging or worn out, which could cause the mattress to mirror its imperfections in a way that negatively affects your sleep. If your frame is really worn out, consider purchasing a new one and be sure to tailor it to the specific needs of the type of mattress you purchased. With regard to sheets, just be sure they aren’t too tight, which can create a drum-like surface and inhibit you from experiencing the mattress’ benefits.
Customize the Break-In Process
While the above break-in methods apply to all mattresses, there are a few strategies that are especially effective for each type, which we’ll outline below:
- Memory foam mattresses, which typically have many layers and will conform to your body, can take extra time to break in. Speed up the process by raising the temperature in the bedroom by a few degrees, which encourages the foam to soften and conform to your body.
- Traditional innerspring mattresses will break in the quickest, meaning you’ll want to rotate the bed often in the first year of use to ensure it’s broken in evenly on all sides.
- Pure latex mattresses have lucky buyers, as they’re somewhat broken in when they arrive. Sleeping on different sides of a latex mattress will wear it down sufficiently to the point that it’s considered broken in, but you won’t feel a significant difference because the material is already soft and airy.
How Long Does the Break In Process Take?
The break-in period typically lasts anywhere from 30 to 90 days, assuming the mattress is slept on almost every night. If this seems like forever, keep in mind that a high-quality mattress will last you seven to eight years, making it well worth the wait.
Consumers often forget that it isn’t just the mattress that needs breaking in. Your body will require time to adjust to the new arrangement, too. If you’ve spent years sleeping on a mattress that wasn’t giving you the proper support or was causing you pain, it’s likely that your body became used to this scenario and was forced to compensate. With the new mattress now providing you with the support you need for your sleeping position and the comfort level you prefer, it will take time to fully relax while you sleep.
Befriend Patience
Expecting this process to go quickly can create frustration and even cause you to partake in methods, like walking or jumping heavily on the bed, that can damage the mattress. Our biggest pointer is to consider patience your friend while you’re breaking in your new mattress.
Remember that this period is relatively short given the full lifespan of the product. A mattress takes time to find the best way to support your sleep, and your body will need a few weeks to unwind and return to a balanced state. You’re one step ahead by reading and applying these tips for how to break in your mattress and, before you know it, you’ll be experiencing a great night’s sleep on a bed that fits your body like a glove.