Alarming Habits
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We’ve all been there. You’re in the middle of a great dream and all of a sudden, you start to hear a familiar, yet unwelcome sound, only to realize it is time for you to wake up and tackle the day. How should you feel when this happens? Is it normal to not be ready to jump out of bed as soon as you hear your alarm clock go off? How many alarms do you need to actually get you out of bed? Maybe you are just too comfortable or maybe you went to bed way too late. Whatever your reasons, you aren’t alone.
We decided to explore some of American’s most Alarming Habits when it comes to alarm clocks and mornings. In a survey of 2,000 people, we asked them questions about their alarm clock habits, what gets them up in the mornings and what makes it really difficult to crawl out of bed.
What Are You Waking Up To?
On average, it takes Americans two alarms and a total of 24 minutes to get out of bed in the mornings. While most of us have switched to using our smartphones as our wake-up call, just under a quarter of Americans still use a traditional alarm clock. Perhaps you program your favorite song to go off, or a peaceful melody that you feel certain will inspire you to open your eyes feeling refreshed and ready for the day. However, we found that no matter what sound your alarm clock makes, outside factors play the biggest role in how you wake up.
While there are a plethora of the reasons that we stay up too late or don’t get enough quality sleep, there is another list of things that make it easier for us to get out of bed. 60% of respondents said the key to waking up easily was having exciting plans for the day. Another popular response was getting some sunlight in your bedroom, too.
Waking Up Groggy
Not surprisingly, the #1 feeling after waking up in the morning was groggy. Followed by happy/bright-eyed & bushy-tailed, maybe there is a trick to waking up on the right side of the bed. Almost half of Americans attributed waking up in a bad mood to staying up too late watching TV, and 38% blamed a negative event in their personal life.
35% of Americans stated that a reason they would wake up in a bad mood was due to an uncomfortable mattress. If your mattress is keeping you up at night, or causing you to have poor quality sleep this is usually a sign it is time for a new mattress. Most sources recommend a new mattress every eight years, but mattresses are lasting longer and longer due to new innovations.
- Staying Up Too Late Watching TV = 48%
- Negative Event In Personal Life = 38%
- Uncomfortable Mattress = 35%
- My Partner Tossing and Turning = 33%
- Street Noise = 27%
What Do You Give Up For A Few More Minutes In Bed?
Along with feelings of grogginess, confusion, and grumpiness, waking up late can cause some serious shifts in your morning routine. The most common thing skipped when running late was making the bed (56%), followed by making breakfast (40%) and making coffee (28%).
Making your bed, having a balanced breakfast and having a cup of coffee or tea are morning practices that set us up for a successful and productive day. When you find yourself running out the door and skipping your morning routine, it can have negative impacts on your mental health and the rest of your day ahead. Over three-quarters of respondents agreed that having a morning routine makes them more motivated to get out of bed.
- Making My Bed = 56%
- Making Breakfast = 40%
- Making Coffee = 28%
- Packing a Lunch = 26%
- Brushing My Teeth = 25%
- Doing My Makeup = 23%
- Doing My Hair = 22%
- Wearing a Thoughtful Outfit = 19%
- Having Matching Socks = 18%
You probably won’t always have “exciting” plans for the day, and the sun will not always be shining through your blinds when you open your eyes, but the key is to make sure the things you can control are setting you up for a restful sleep and successful morning. Take inventory of your bedding and mattress. It is one thing to have them be too comfortable that you do not want to get up, but you want to make sure they are not causing you to lose sleep. Additionally, think about the things that motivate you to get up. Set your coffee to automatically brew at a certain time, or plan out your favorite breakfast to make the night before.
You are not alone in your struggle to wake up! On average, Americans change their alarm times 38 times a year in an attempt to make it easier for themselves to wake up. Try a new sound, set your alarm across the room, and remember; no matter how good that show you are binge-watching is, waking up feeling refreshed and ready for the day will feel better!
Mattress Nerd partnered with OnePoll to conduct a survey of 2,000 Americans on their napping preferences and personality traits.
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